food experts say that the different types of food we consume
include those that are very beneficial to us and
those that can couse harm to our health.
most of the health benefits that these foods bring to our bodies depend on the we cook them.
the amount we lake from them,
the time we use them and ather things that are added to these foods when they are made
and I will testify that according to the experts,
there are many
foods that are very dangerous to health that I can inherit and
peaple without knowing they use them regularly.
so which food do experts recommend that we eliminate from our daily:
I must always be very aware of the amount of protein I take in a day.
1: salt
salt is more effective for the health of the body and on
the contrary,
too much salt in the body is inherited from poor
if the food does not contain salt,
it is difficult for the person to make it well and the tongue does not feel the sweetness of food,
but too much salt is not praised in terms of health
salt con sodium, too much sodium in the body causes more
water to enter the blood vet.
if the blood vessels are filled with too much water,
high blood pressure will accur as the healthy flow of sodium- leden blood in the body will be disrupted.
I’m sorry for the problem he has we are clothed he has
we are clothed and one of them is the head
or bleading from the heart, stroke ( the person who dry side)
and face ill health.
the heart and the heart
2: foods high in sugar and sweats
sugar is one of the essential things used by societies
all over the world, although they differ in the amount of
sugar in the body can lead to many diseases. some of which have, not been completely cured.
The more we eat sugar, the more energy generating things our bodies have, and the more energy we put into the body,
we are not healthy because if the body doesn’t use it, the rest will lead to poor health
the energy that comes from sugar that increases in our body
and the unhealthy thing they bring to a person in clude obesity or weight gain .
obesity couses many diseases such as obesity, diabetes,
heart disease,etc
sweet or sugary foods include cakes, ice cream, sugary drinks,
regular sugar in tea and the like.
and the experts recommend that the health of the body is good for
The sugar found in in natural things like vegetables etc.
: our brain is powered by 60% sugar
it only gets health benefits from sugar
good that we need to use
it is natural as it for the body
it is good for our health
3: processed foods
Although in most African countries the consumption of processed foods is less compared to the rest of the world.
the consumption of these foods is increasing in cities.
“ Regardless of the types of industries foods,
recommend that people stop using them and if they can’t stop
using them, they should reduce their cony
The health effects of processed foods that experts wan against is that they are used with un natural coloring or flavoriny.
some processed foods or drinks are addictive, and the
person who becomes addicted to the product uses it regularly and that person can suffer from widespread illness .
Especially the chicken meat or the red meat or the red meat of the processed animals couse cancer for which
there is no cure yet and it is increasing in the world.
4 foods cooked in oil
Biscuits etc. which are cooked in oil and their consumption is incoin the cities.
Those foods that are cooked or fried in oil can couse or worsen our health . Experts say that foods cooked in oil , such as chips, are not good for the body.
" foods cooked in oil such as potoes or fried meat are not beneficial to the body and lead to serious health problems"
Especially the unrefined processed oils that we use are very dangerous.
and experts say that the health risks of these foods
increase once oil has been used when it is often used to bake or cook.
Foods that are cooked with oils lead to obesity and eating too much meat leads to serious health problems
Foods such as burgers, chips, fried chicken, fried red meat and similar foods should not be used regularly, according to Nutritionists.